Yesterday, I took the girls in the morning to go look at a townhome that my brother, Rick, is looking to buy. I got the girls fed, dressed and packed in the car for a morning nap in their carseats while we headed in town. They did great. When we got there, they both immediately wanted to be held, and so we walked around the townhome looking in every nook and cranny while I held Caroline and Rick graciously held Ellie. We loved the property and Rick ended up putting an offer on it that morning.
I'm especially loving the 2nd bedroom and bathroom that the twins will be able to stay in when they spend the night at Uncle Rick's house!
Caroline and Ellie both left their mark by having major diaper blowouts. Ellie got hers all over Rick's sleeve on his nicely starched work shirt that he didn't have time to change since he had to go straight back to work. Bleh.
Thank goodness for extra wipes and plastic bags in the car. Caroline had to also be changed, and after about 80 wipes, she was good to go. I had to disrobe Ellie down to just her diaper while trying to keep my gag reflux under control. Her socks and vest didn't completely make it unscathed, but for a cold day like this, it was good enough for a ride home. This picture just says it all!
Ellie |
Changing Caroline in the front seat was making me realize how much these girls have grown. Below are some pics comparing them from now to about 4 months ago.
Caroline at 5-1/2 months old |
Caroline at 6-1/2 weeks old |