Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Enjoying Gifts from Loved Ones!

Diana, I think of you every time the girls play with their Little People Nativity set that you gave them last year.  They love it, but clearly they haven't yet grasped the concept of Nativity.

Now, using the Wise Man as a plug for your mouth of Baby Jesus as a chew toy, no problem.  They got that!  I look forward to in a couple years when they can actually play and imagine with these toys.  It will be precious!

The girls also got some other Little People for their birthday (thank you, Jill!!) that they really like and play with constantly.  I think in this picture, we have Joseph getting his arm gnawed off while the Angel of the Lord is driving the school bus.

My cousin, Megan, crocheted this baby blanket for them.  She is in the 8th grade!  This picture does not do this blanket justice with all the individual flowers that are weaved into the blanket.  Thank you so much, Megan, for such a thoughtful and special gift.  It is so impressive and I'm still amazed that you made the time to do something like this!  It is so awesome!  The girls like to snuggle up to things that are soft and this is the perfect thing.

Monday, November 18, 2013

My Homing Devices

Blake calls Caroline and Ellie my two little homing devices.

They are happy to play with their toys as long as I am within a 5 ft radius and can be seen at all times.

If I even make a move to the other side of the room, they are right there.

They are really enjoying their new toys, but if I even make a move toward the kitchen, my two little homing devices immediately abandon all toys and are at my heels going where I go.  (literally trying not to step on them as I walk).

Plus, they know the kitchen supplies a whole cabinet full of tupperware for them to unload.

These girls have also still not grasped the idea of personal space.  Since birth, these two little bodies are always on top of each other and always seem to migrate toward one another no matter where you put them.  They have all this space to spread out, but the spot they always want to sit is right where the other one is.

The problem with lack of personal space is that it provides so many opportunities for them to bite each other on the face, ear, arm, whatever.  Despite my best efforts to keep them from biting each other, someone is always sporting a nice set of teeth marks from her sister.

The other day, Ellie received a little payback from stealing Caroline's pacifier and was wearing a full set of Caroline's teeth marks on her face that was bruised and nearly broke the skin.  She screamed, I cried, Caroline just sat there happy to have her pacifier back, and Blake was left to comfort us all.

After we all got over that, Caroline and Ellie went back to normal, sitting on top of each other and tracking my every move.

Just a typical day for us.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Snyder Weekend!

My cousin, Stephen Jr, who is my oldest cousin on my Dad's side, turned 16 a couple weeks ago.

For his 16th birthday, he was given a trip to Dallas to go see a Cowboys game.  Pretty awesome 16th birthday!  So, when Blake was given the invitation to join Uncle Stephen and Stephen Jr for the Cowboys game, we jumped at the chance.  I tagged along with the girls so we could see everyone too.  

David and Angie flew in for the occasion as well.  Angie and I hung out all day Sunday together with Caroline and Ellie as we both attempted to begin our Christmas shopping.  

As enjoyable as the twins are, we both bought one thing the whole day....i.e. we didn't get very far!  We spent about 75% of the day walking, and eating at Corner Bakery.  At least we could enjoy the cold front that blew in the night before bringing in absolutely beautiful weather that I'm hoping is here to stay!

Blake still has a few more North Carolina Snyders to meet, but we're getting closer!  

We sure did miss seeing you Megan, Christopher and Claudine.  Maybe next time!!

All these pictures above are of Caroline.  

Let's see, what was Ellie doing.....

She didn't allow anyone to get even get close to her except for Mom and Dad....and eventually Angie.  But no one else!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

This Grandmom is 60!

My Mom turned 60 this past weekend.


I'm not sure what 60 is supposed to look like, but Mom, you sure don't look it, and I have a feeling that these babies...you're babies, as you call them.... are going to keep you young for a long time!

This has been quite a year, Mom.  This time last year we were up around the clock feeding newborns...

trying to remember when we last changed our clothes...

referring to feeding and diaper charts to remind ourselves which baby pooped and which was the last one to be fed...

...but mostly I remember how you encouraged me and helped me through the horrors, I mean joys, of first time nursing.

You gave me the perfect blend of empathy, encouragement, and praise.  You cried with me and you celebrated with me.

You always made me believe that we'd make it through.  And we did.

And look how far we've come.  A year later, the girls are almost weaned and I'm in near disbelief that those days are a fading distant memory.

It's been a fun year raising these babies with you via Skype and all your visits.

It doesn't feel like you lived half a world away.

You are a wonderful mother and a wonderful Grandmom.  I love you!

And Happy 60th Birthday.  Nothing like a celebration as a move to Alaska.

Welcome to a life of getting carded as you take advantage of your 55 cent McDonald's Senior Coffee and your $3 discount at the movie theater!

Live it up....go hog wild.  Hmmmm, what do they say in Anchorage....go hug a bear....ride a moose...?

We'll have to work on our Alaska-isms.

Friday, November 8, 2013

It's Been a Great 3 Years

Blake and I celebrated our 3rd year anniversary last week.

I curled my hair for the occasion for our night out.  I know.... I went all out.  I watched an YouTube instructional video on how to do it the week before.  (not kidding).  I'm thinking about making it an annual tradition to fix my hair on our anniversary.

It took me absolutely forever, so maybe not.

Ain't nobody got time for that!

It's been an awesome 3 years with more changes in our lives than we could have ever imagined...moving to Texas, having twins, job changes, and living in a home that is always changing.  Maybe we'll be done with the house by Anniversary #4.  Not.

So far, we've had our parents visiting for each anniversary, so Blake and I have declared that after 3 years in a row...it's official....it's tradition, you guys have to keep coming.

Year 1 was Blake's parents.  Year 2 was my parents and Blake's mom (the girls were 2 weeks old), and Year 3 was my parents.  Pressure's on guys....who's coming next year?

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Missing Daddy

Blake is out of town this week on a business trip...you know, slaving away and working long hours on the golf course.

We're having fun just us girls.  My mom taught them last week to how pretend drink out of their toy tea cups and we've been playing it over and over.

Caroline looking at her Daddy
It's the cutest thing, but it will even be more fun when Daddy's here to play with them.

Meanwhile this week, the girls took 2-3/4 steps!  Ellie took two full ones and Caroline took about 3/4 of one!  I expect them to be running by the time Blake gets home tomorrow!

Can't wait for you to get home, Blake!  All 3 of your ladies miss you!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Reading with Grandmom

My parents came to visit last week, and it was the fastest 4 days.  I think even Caroline and Ellie thought so too.

The girls had a great time playing with their toys with a new person in town to climb all over.

It rained just about the entire time my parents were here, so we had plenty of time to play in the living room and read books.

Grandmom read them the books they got for their birthday over and over and they sat there next to her for quite awhile.  To say they were engrossed would be an understatement, since their typical attention span usually tops out at 70 seconds on a good day.

There is no need for a captions on these pics to say which baby is which, because of course, Ellie is the one hogging her Grandmom's lap!

We had a great week.  The girls immediately warmed up to both of my parents as if they knew who they were from the moment they walked in the door.

My parents were in town to get their stuff out of storage here in Houston as they make their move to Anchorage.

I was so sad to see them go, but we're thrilled to get to see them in a couple weeks for Thanksgiving.

Hurry back Grandmom and Grandpop!  We can't wait to see you soon!