Thursday, March 7, 2013

Waking up from a morning nap

How cute is this?  These girls are often snuggled next to each other whenever we come in to check on them.  I keep thinking that I might put them in their own cribs sometime soon, but I can't bring myself to do it when I see things like this.  Plus, they never seem to bother each other.  

Ellie still loves her thumb, and we're not sure if Caroline is going to take her pacifier for much longer.  She's been sucking on her fist and fingers more often and often spits on her pacifier....or makes that gagging sound when we try to put it in.  

Caroline (left) & Ellie (right)
Ellie was hearing the click of the camera and immediately started looking for us.  Seeing these sweet little faces look up at us never gets old.  Melts our hearts every single time!

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