Friday, June 21, 2013

Shopping at my Mom's Second Favorite Store

My mom has two very favorite stores.  No other store can hold her attention and/or browsing capabilities like #1, the Apple Store, and #2, Wal-Mart.

I am a product of my upbringing and am also a fan of Wal-Mart.  Going there by myself with the girls, though, is such an effort.  I have to make sure that the girls are well rested and fed for the long-haul because everyone knows that there's no such thing as a quick trip to Wally World no matter how few things are purchased.

The girls are still wobbly when they are sitting, so putting both of them in the cart isn't yet an option.  I've tried several different methods with shopping with the girls, but the easiest for me is just taking the stroller and loading it up with everything I need.  Usually by the end of our shopping, the three of us look like a walking circus, but we always make it through.

This is what we look like shopping.  We get a lot of "oohs and ahhs" as we meander through the aisles.  Everyone young and old is enamored with the twins.....actually, it's mostly just the young and old.  People 15-65 aren't so interested, unless they have twins, know twins, or are a twin themself.

Everything these days seems to be an adventure with Caroline and Ellie as they are changing so much.  I'm noticing right now of how much longer things hold their attention.  They do really well when we're out as there is so much to look at, and they love to touch/hold/eat everything...except for their toys, of course!

We're having a lot of fun these days.  My mom arrives next week, so we'll be able to do some big shopping when she in purchase more than 10 things at a time!

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