Here's what happened (to quote our favorite OCD detective, Adrian Monk):
Scene of the crime: Between the couch and the wall. An innocent place to play that happens to be the girls favorite place to bang toys on the tile, wall, baseboards and air conditioning vent.
I was in our study paying some bills and going through our mail while watching the girls play where I could see them. They crawled over behind the couch where they always go and I could hear them banging their toys and laughing. Knowing that there's nothing over there for them to get into trouble, I let them hang out for a minute or two while I finished up. They were content and seemed happy to just stay where they were and play.
A couple minutes later, I walk over there to check on them. They are sitting next to 3 unattached cockroach legs on the floor with huge smiles on their faces. I immediately start to get nervous because I'm not seeing a body of this cockroach, and at second glance, I see a large brown spot of drool on the floor.
I pick up Caroline and see something brown in her mouth, and then I notice half of the 4th roach leg on her chin. A second look at Ellie and I see the other half of the leg on Ellie's arm, and at this point, I'm almost hyperventilating. I take Caroline to the kitchen sink and do a half-hearted swipe of her mouth trying to get out whatever is in there, afraid of what was going to come out. My skin was crawling. I took a deep breath, mustered up the courage to do a second mouth swipe, stuck my index finger way in her mouth and flung a HUGE Texas cockroach fully in tact minus it's legs and one wing out of her mouth and into the sink.
These two. I should probably just brace myself for all the things these girls will discover together.
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