Blake went to the Chiefs/Cowboys game in Kansas City with my Uncles, and I invited myself along with Caroline and Ellie to come crash the weekend party.
Blake, Mark and David at the KC Chiefs Stadium |
My Dad even joined in for the day on Saturday! David and Angie are stationed at Ft Leavenworth right now, and boy, is that place beautiful. We had a wonderful time, enjoyed some amazing weather, and I was also able to introduce Angie to the concept of how it is truly possible to take 4 times as long to accomplish just about anything with twins in tow.
The girls were in great moods all weekend and much preferred to hang out with everyone instead of napping in the cribs upstairs. Ellie took to Angie immediately!
Mark sporting his obnoxious Texas gear while we all watch the Aggie/Alabama game. I'm especially loving that I was able to capture the fully stocked Martini bar in the background. Nice display there, Angie and David, for people that don't even drink! Long story. |
Ellie all snuggly with Angie. She took her entire afternoon nap that way. |
Walking around Kansas City in between rain showers. Angie was a trooper to allow Ellie to wipe her leftover dinner all over her clean white shirt. |
David with Caroline |
The girls did great on the flight and they made the weekend really easy on us. We had so much luggage for just a weekend trip....two carseats, two pack-n-plays, 40 diapers, 100 wipes, 2 sippy cups, 12 jars of baby food...and a partridge in a pear tree.
It was such a great weekend and we only wish we could get together more often. It was great to see you Mark, David, Angie...and even Dad! It's amazing to me to think of what the girls will be like the next time we see each other!
Waiting for our flight. Caroline on left. |
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