I am always texting Blake pictures during the day with my phone of the cute things that Caroline and Ellie are doing.
I try to get out every afternoon to do at least something, even if it's roaming the aisles of the grocery store when they only thing I need to buy is more bananas (which we do a lot!) The girls enjoy being out, but I think I love it even more.
Here are some pics that I've sent Blake recently while we've been out running errands. These are fun for me to look at, I can see so much of these girls personalities in these photos....
Caroline is a thumb sucker, but really loves to play with the pacifier. When we're out, both girls usually get bored, so I give them my emergency pacifiers attached to clips that entertain them. Ellie is not so interested in hers, but Caroline evidently likes the one that Ellie has better! |
At WalMart. Caroline looking out and observing everything, Ellie sucking her thumb and looking at her Mommy. This is the typical of both of them! |
At Costco. Both girls loving the samples as much as I do. I love Costco for the double seaters. Why don't more stores have this?? Caroline on the left, Ellie on the right. |
Caroline, of course, looking out and soaking it all in. This particular day, she was squealing at the top of her lungs the whole time we were in HEB. This was their first time in a cart like this. Ellie joined in later! |
Caroline savoring every moment of this applesauce. She was done with it at church about 30 minutes prior to this photo, but she just wouldn't let it go. I let her take it home with her, and she sucked on this thing all the way home. |
Caroline super content being crammed in the cart with all the groceries. I was holding Ellie during all this. She much prefers to just be held and suck her thumb. |
Shopping at HEB. The girls have a great time in this cart, and it makes grocery shopping so much easier for me. We have a great time. We always stop and talk to everyone that wants to admire the twins. I, of course, as the proud momma, am always happy to do so! |
This is the first toy Caroline looks for when she gets up in the morning. |
Caroline hanging out on Daddy. Sucking her right thumb. I, of course, am taking this picture while holding Ellie. |
Blake and I trying to get some yard work this day while letting the girls play outside in their stroller right next to us. Caroline did great and loved looking around, while Ellie screamed her head off until I picked her up and just snuggled with her. Again, Ellie's preferred position. I'm going to miss these days. Melts my heart every time. |
The girls love it when I do laps around the house dragging them in the laundry basket. They squeal and laugh like crazy. Ellie is in the front. |
Guess who? Ellie! This never gets old. |
When I'm not holding Ellie, I'm holding both of them. I keep wondering what I'm going to do as these girls continue to get bigger. The most difficult it trying to stand up while I'm holding them both. Built in strength training! |
Ellie standing up in her crib, not too happy about nap time, clutching her bunny. She was so cute, I had to snap a picture as I walked out of the room. |
I went to the mall with the girls yesterday to buy them some clothes. They are still wearing 6 month clothes, but I don't have anything for them when the weather gets cooler. Ellie just looked at me the whole time with this sweet little face. |
To sum up: Ellie likes to be held...a lot, and after looking at these photos, I'm starting to feel bad about not holding Caroline as much. I'm sure she will hang this over my head one day.
yay! I found your blog again. This post is hilarious...and truly impressive! :)
ReplyDeletehaha! These are some of my favorite pics too...of course they're grainy and dark, but oh well. I chuckle every time I look at these pictures!