Friday, October 3, 2014


I'm so far behind in my pictures that I don't even know where to start.  I continue to take pictures and videos but ever since the girls dropped their morning nap in June at 20 months old (i.e. my time to work on my pictures) I haven't found a new schedule for myself to stay organized.

But...I don't want to forget these memories of this age leading up to turning I'm catching up and am determined to get caught up in time for their 2nd birthday in a couple weeks.

So, for starters...rewinding the clock to 20 months old...

We dropped the morning nap, and months later, there are times that I'm still missing the 2 nap/day schedule.

They have gotten busier and busier and take advantage of any opportunity when I am not totally paying attention to them to get up in the front seat of the car pushing every button and pulling every lever as hard as they can.

I am sure that one day they are going to pull my blinker and windshield wiper controls straight off and I will have no one else to blame but myself.  

We found some horse stables open to the public here in Kingwood that I never knew existed before this summer.  The girls were enthralled from a distance and terrified up close.  We have gone quite a bit since then to see the horses and they love it.

We still went to the park all the time despite how hot and sweaty we would get within the first 5 minutes of being there.

Ellie saying "cheese" for the camera

Sweating is just a necessary evil of surviving Houston summers.

Well, that, and swatting mosquitos.

We had an outdoor shower installed in the early part of the summer that we used with the girls almost every single day...and on days like this...probably twice a day.

I would just strip them down in the backyard, hose them off from head to toe in efforts to avoid tracking shoefulls of sand, dirt and sweat through the living room.

The girls have great fun together and they have the same way of doing everything.

Caroline tends to still be our trailblazer with setting the stage of how something is going to be....

...and then Ellie copies.

Even if its something as simple as drinking out of their water bottle.