Sunday, March 10, 2013

Is it bedtime yet?

I'm not totally sure what is normal for babies this age, but we feel like Caroline and Ellie could win first place in a sleeping contest.  Around 11 weeks old, they started going about 7-8 hour stretches at night.  Then around 3.5 months old, they started going 12 hours at night, which has been followed up by a long morning nap about an hour after they wake up in the mornings.  What can we say, they are...what's the word?....gifted!  ha!  

Even with their impressive sleeping abilities (for now, anyway), there are those days when naps just don't go well and I am watching the clock counting down the minutes until Blake gets home from work and/or until it's bedtime.  So often, Blake will come home from work, and I am pacing outside holding both babies, who are either on the brink of a meltdown or currently having one, eager to give him one of these precious babes to hold.  

Waiting for bedtime is a similar exercise for us on those days when naps just don't seem to really happen for both girls.  They are often content if we're holding them, but you can just see it in their eyes that they are ready to konk out at a moment's notice.  

In the pics below, Blake is holding Ellie and I am holding Caroline....both girls just begging to go to bed.  

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