Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Enjoying a Rainy Day

How doesn't love a rainy day?  I used to love to watch a storm roll in from my downtown office window at work on the 47th floor.  There's something so peaceful about watching and listening to the rain beat down on the windows....

...but there's something even sweeter about watching Caroline and Ellie watch and listen to the rain.

I, along with every other nostalgic female that I know, would describe my perfect rainy day as one sitting on the couch, watching old movies and enjoying a cup of hot tea and a couple of warm homemade chocolate chip cookies (that, of course, are calorie free and that I didn't have to bake myself).

Caroline and Elie do not agree.  They are busy busy, and as much as I enjoy watching an old movie that no one has ever heard of, I enjoy watching these girls play even more.

They have recently discovered laundry, and they are completely enthralled.

They go straight for the laundry room whenever they discover that I accidentally left the door open for them to have a total free for all.

Every once in awhile, I'll bring out a load of laundry into the living room when it comes out of the dryer to let them have a blast.  The way they act in those moments...well, it might as well be Christmas.

Caroline and Ellie are interacting more and more as time goes by.  It's still only in short snippets, but when they do, I run for my camera to try to capture the brief moment.

With these girls, the routine is set and the only thing rain does is simply limit our outdoor activities.  I guess I'll just have to introduce them to Cary Grant another day.

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