Thursday, November 14, 2013

This Grandmom is 60!

My Mom turned 60 this past weekend.


I'm not sure what 60 is supposed to look like, but Mom, you sure don't look it, and I have a feeling that these're babies, as you call them.... are going to keep you young for a long time!

This has been quite a year, Mom.  This time last year we were up around the clock feeding newborns...

trying to remember when we last changed our clothes...

referring to feeding and diaper charts to remind ourselves which baby pooped and which was the last one to be fed...

...but mostly I remember how you encouraged me and helped me through the horrors, I mean joys, of first time nursing.

You gave me the perfect blend of empathy, encouragement, and praise.  You cried with me and you celebrated with me.

You always made me believe that we'd make it through.  And we did.

And look how far we've come.  A year later, the girls are almost weaned and I'm in near disbelief that those days are a fading distant memory.

It's been a fun year raising these babies with you via Skype and all your visits.

It doesn't feel like you lived half a world away.

You are a wonderful mother and a wonderful Grandmom.  I love you!

And Happy 60th Birthday.  Nothing like a celebration as a move to Alaska.

Welcome to a life of getting carded as you take advantage of your 55 cent McDonald's Senior Coffee and your $3 discount at the movie theater!

Live it up....go hog wild.  Hmmmm, what do they say in Anchorage....go hug a bear....ride a moose...?

We'll have to work on our Alaska-isms.


  1. Allison your babies are beautiful!! Soo happy your mom could be by your side! And you take GREAT pictures....After the babies are going to school you should think of photography :)

  2. Awww, thanks, Courtney!! You're so sweet, and too generous with your compliments. You should see how many pictures I have to take in order to get only a couple good ones! haha! How are you doing?? How are you feeling these days? I'm remembering our days as neighbors in the apartment? Amazing how much has changed since then, huh?
