Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Do it Myself!

We have started to let Caroline and Ellie feed themselves...and they love it!

Not too much food actually gets in the mouth but they are figuring out how to use a spoon and fork and they're getting better at it everyday.

Both girls seem to be right handed, which we were wondering about since I am exclusively left handed when it comes to these things.

In this whole process of feeding themselves, the messes have exponentially increased...not only on the floor and the high chairs, but also on their faces, heads, and clothes!

They are also much happier though that they can do it themselves.  Meals take a little longer and it's a little bit of an aerobic exercise for me as I go back and forth behind each chair trying to help each one out with each bite.

Ellie loves to be helped with each bite, and Caroline likes to be helped out depending on the day.

We also tend to have major mood swings with the eating.  Some meals, the girls are are elated and so proud of themselves, and on other days, it's total melt-down city around here.

These days, one girl seems to be crying during every meal.  Blake and I feel like we were given a gift if both girls make it through the entire meal with both happy.

Reasons for melt-downs:
1.  I want to sit in Mommy's lap
2.  I threw my cup on the floor and I want it back
3.  My sister has more Cheerios that I do
4.  My sister took off her bib and she's trying to rip mine off
5.  I am trying to feed my sister and she bit my fingers as I shoved a piece of (insert food choice here) in her mouth
6.  My sister stole my spoon
7.  My sister stole my bowl
8.  My sister stole my cup
9.  I want to eat with colored spoon/bowl/plate that my sister is using
10.  I'm tired and just not feeling like eating right now

Suddenly, it's all coming clear to me of why meal times are not my favorite part of the day...but these pictures do remind me that there are times when everyone is in the zone and we're having a pretty good time together!

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